Sunday, February 10, 2008

Where'd the Weedend Go?

It's Sunday, the 10th of February. This past Friday, Saturday and today would have been our three day weekend off (with our rotation we get one every 6 weeks). But the post office couldn't live without Valerie, so she worked both Friday and Saturday which left me with time on my hands.

Friday I decided to hit the road and go back up to McCall and see what the sculptures from the Winter Carnival looked like. With camera in hand I hopped in the truck and started the 75 mile drive, only to encounter snow after the first 25 miles of the drive.

When I finally got to McCall, it was still snowing... such a shock. The sculptures, however, were nowhere to be found. In their place stood huge lumps of snow, shadowing what might have been (a week before) an impressive work of art. Upon talking to the lady who owns the yarn shop up there, the snow fell the very next day after the judging and the sculptures have been buried ever since. And there's no photos on the links I provided in a previous entry... which is disappointing to say the least.

So... go to and click on "images" and then enter the text
McCall Winter Carnival
You'll come up with some photos of what some of the sculptures from previous years looked like.

Saturday I drove Valerie down to Boise and dropped her off at the post office. From there it was on to the chiropractor, then CostCo, and finally a yarn shop in Eagle, Idaho (just west of Boise) called Handmade. I sat around there for several hours working on a project, and then met one of my co-workers there for a knitting lesson. (I was teaching her, in case you were wondering!) The weather yesterday was blazingly sunny, and relatively warm. It was almost like we were being threatened by Spring...

Today I've got some bread rising in the oven, did some juicing and am now in "Goof-Off" mode for a while. Next Friday I'll fly down to Arizona and go visit my mother for a few days. Maybe with a little luck I'll have another Sunday update, but don't hold your breath waiting for it!

(A few hours later, the bread was finished and a photo was taken. Butter up your monitor and have a bite!

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