Normally my Sunday routine is to get up early and shoot the cats (no, not that kind of shoot... they're both diabetics)! After that I usually run down to the Chevron station, about a half mile from here, and pick up a Sunday paper for Valerie. Today, however, was a little different in that it had dumped at least a foot of snow on us overnight and I couldn't go anywhere until digging out first. Then we opted to take our truck, because while the RAV-4 works very nicely in winter conditions, the road leading out of the subdivision hadn't been plowed yet and clearance was an issue.
I started while it was still dark this morning, and had to shovel a little trench around from the side of the house to the garage door -- because the wind blew toward the door I was afraid there might be a drift waiting to cave into the garage if I just opened the door without checking. There was actually a little gap between the snow and the door this time, as opposed to the last snowfall (where I didn't go look first... just opened the garage door and had snow tumbling inward).
I've never lived in an environment where snow comes up to the rooftops, and where people have to have tunnels from their houses out to the barn (as my mother has mentioned about childhood memories growing up in Wisconsin). Still... enough is enough, and we've had plenty for a while. It's funny to think that a couple of days ago the temperature was in the 40's down in Boise, and it seemed like a spring day. Then we got hit with another round of Global Warming... and now we're all pretty much up to date!
I've pretty much settled on posting once a week to this blog, Sunday morning if at all possible because that's the time when I goof off on the computer and Valerie reads her paper. Besides, I don't think the content of this blog merits daily postings... and the 2-1/2 people who read this drivel probably won't mind checking back for a once-a-week boredom update!
I'm going to leave you with a link to a website that gives a little information about the doings of the daughter of some wonderful friends of ours. We met these people back in the early 90's when we went to England, and they graciously took us into their home for a few days. I won't bother to describe what she does here, but will just simply ask that you go check out the website for yourselves. That being said... have a great day!
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