Saturday, May 29, 2010

French Fried [or] Boy! Are We Tired!

Greetings from France! Yes, we made it here almost 11 hours ago, but I couldn’t find anyplace along the way that offered FREE a wi-fi connection. So we’re finally in La Riolais (somewhere near Chateaubriant) after a “five hour drive” that took much longer! Our host said the roadway signage in France was really bad, and for once he wasn’t kidding!

United Airlines managed to remove one of the four castors from our tandem case, which is better than the last time we flew with them when two of the four castors were not there upon our arrival in Tampa.

The weather today was something best not cycled in. We experienced rain on and off during our drive here, and the wind was abysmal. But maybe with any luck we’ll get the bad weather out of the way and be out cycling soon.

We flew 3 hours from Boise to Chicago, 8 hours from Chicago to Paris and then spent over 8 hours trying to get back here. Add an 8 hour time change and the fact that Valerie slept a little bit on the plane and in the car, but I wasn't so lucky -- it all means that I'm long overdue for some real sleep! So... Bon Nuit!

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