Friday, January 4, 2008

The Blog From Nowhere

I suppose the question is going to come up at some point -- what's the name of this blog mean? Unlike so many of the cute blogs, the ones with a purpose or those that target a specific interest this blog has no goal whatsoever, other than to reach out and say hello to our friends and family and be there for them to read at their leisure. Maybe along the way something will come along that suddenly gives this blog a legitimate reason to exist. Until then... no pressure, no worries!

In the mean time, I've been slowly exploring a site dedicated to knitters and crocheters:

As of now it's in the Beta stage, and you need to put your name on a waiting list to gain access, but if you really enjoy any of the fiber arts, this is a good site to visit. If you happen to sign up, my name over there is: RichMcKay (original, ain't it?)

Also, the photo-sharing site "Flickr" is another haunt of mine; my name there is "tandemtwins".

And just in case anyone cares... it snowed on and off all night so I got to spend my Sunday morning taking yet another walk behind the snowblower. For the past winters where there hasn't been much snowfall, this winter is trying to make up for the shortfall!

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