Sunday, December 30, 2007

And In The Beginning... drew in the dirt, chiseled in stone and placed ink upon parchment. Today we seem to have evolved just a bit further to where e-mail, websites and web logs (blogs) are seemingly the most common ways to communicate with family, friends or even total strangers.

Being that 2008 is almost upon us, I hope to start writing a little bit about one of the more uninteresting subjects known to man, that being my own little corner of the world.

This blog is mainly for my friends and family, but no doubt there will be the occasional stranger wandering through here as well. I encourage you to leave little comments on occasion, be they serious or of a smart-assed nature as I no doubt deserve both in any given moment.

Bookmark this and check back on occasion; I won't be doing daily updates (unless it's warranted) but I'll check in and drop the world a line with some sort of frequency. If I seem to have dropped off the edge of the earth, drop me an e-mail and wake me up!


bellatunia said...

Blog schmog !
Me thinks you have too much time on your hands.
Who has time to read computer stuff.
P.S. only kidding , just wanted to see if you are listening.

Rich and Valerie said...

Too much time? Nah... otherwise I'd be writing a book instead of a few sentences every now and then. Listening? You know I'm male... when do we EVER listen??!!